Carolyn Provencher
Acupuncture, Educational Classes
I came to acupuncture through the eyes of a skeptic, but after experiencing the depth of healing I gained when I added acupuncture into my own recovery journey, I fell in love with the medicine.
Originally from Minnesota, I found the Upper Peninsula calling my name after a month-long work trip to Isle Royale in high school. I attended Northern Michigan University before deciding to pursue acupuncture at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado. I graduated in 2013 with a Masters of Science in Acupuncture.
My husband, Evan, and I moved back to the Marquette area in 2014 and are very grateful to be raising our family here. We have 2 young boys (Drew & Grayson) as well as community of bonus kids around the world who came into our lives through hosting exchange students.