Carolyn Provencher is a national board certified acupuncturist serving the Marquette area. She attended Northern Michigan University before receiving her 4-year Masters of Science degree in Acupuncture from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado. Since receiving her Diplomate of Acupuncture certification in 2014, Carolyn has practiced acupuncture professionally in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and is a co-founder of the Trailhead Holistic Health Cooperative clinic in Marquette.
Carolyn is author of A Journal of Self-Reflection & Healing and coauthor of Tao Meets Now: A Clinical Manual Integrating 5 Element Acupuncture with Traditional Chinese Medicine, a textbook written for clinical acupuncturists.
Carolyn and her husband, Evan, have two kids (Drew & Grayson). Over the years they have also hosted exchange students from Brazil, Italy, and Spain. Together they love exploring the Upper Peninsula and all that it has to offer.